Set Directories

Input File Geodatabase

Click on the Browse button to open the directory dialog. Navigate to the file geodatabase containing your data. This must be a folder with a '.gdb' extension.

Click on the file geodatabase, then click the Select Folder button. The file path to the input file geodatabase and a green tick mark will appear. Depending on the size of the file geodatabase this may take a while.

Output Folder

Click on the Browse button to open the directory dialog. Navigate to a folder where you would like to save your results. This folder must not have a '.gdb' extension. You must have write access to this folder. It is recommended to use a folder that has no spaces in its file path. Inside the folder a new folder will be created automatically by the Wizard. The name of this folder will be the project name that you have entered followed by a date and time stamp: [Project name]_[Date_Time]. Inside this folder a number of files will be created throughout the wizard:

File name Description Created during
[Project name]_[Date_Time].gdb A file geodatabase containing the feature classes and raster files used to develop the LUR model Settings
LurSqlDB.sqlite A SQLite database containing intermediate and aggregated data for the statistical analysis Settings
GOTCHA.txt A text file containing errors caught during processing Settings
LOG_[Date_Time].txt A text file showing selections made in the wizard and the machine learning steps during the statistical analysis (if done via the wizard) Settings
Descriptive_analyses_[Date_Time].pdf A pdf of descriptive statistics of the outcome and predictor variables Model
CorrelationMatrix_Vars_[Date_Time].csv A comma separated text file showing a correlation matrix of all variables Model
Diagnostic_plots_dep[Outcome variable]_[Date_Time].pdf A pdf of diagnostic plots for the final model of the outcome variable Model
LOOCV_dep[Outcome variable]_[Date_Time].pdf A pdf of the leave one out cross validation plot Model
Residuals.csv A comma separated text file of the final model residuals Model

Click on the folder, then click the Select Folder button. The file path to the folder and a green tick mark will appear. Depending on the size of the folder this may take a while.